Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You CAN NOT continue to print money without devalueing it!
Inflation will soon follow!Here it comes... Spin spin spin numbers numbers numbers but yet loses ground. It's all nice and dandy that unemployment filing is down, but can someone tell me how that insignificant number is going to get us out of debt? Our debt to GDP ratio will be 94% in 2011. People, we are headed into something the likes of which we've never seen. If you think things are just going to get better you are not being realistic. It's going to hit hard. And you should be afraid of the saber rattling around the Asian Pacific...the U.S., if backed into a corner will come swinging. Keeps me up at night...Many are confused on how we got where we are today. If you say "It's Bush's fault" you would be wrong. It started in 1977 with Jimmy Carter introduced the "The Community Reinvestment Act". A program to get people into homes, even if they couldn't afford them. It didn't really take off because banks didn't want to make bad loans. Then Bill Clinton became President. He made it mandatory for lenders to make housing loans to those not qualified. As the bad loans grew they became a ticking time bomb. Took a few years, but soon the defaults began. Forclosures, bank failures, stock market drop, home construction etc. all became toxic. Truth for those who want it. Check it out for yourself if your doubt it.

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