Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The fact that Israel is illegally harboring nukes, yet calling for an attack on Iran for creating new forms of energy that benefit it's people is hypocritical & immoral. I'd also like to see the wikileak cables that Israel paid Assange to cover up. The ones that give full details of the genocide Israel committed. Israel is acting like the friend at the bar who starts a fight because of his stupidity, then expects you to back him up. Sorry my friend, but your are out of control.No wonder Israel does not want Iran to have nuclear weapons because then it will be the only Muslim country which will put stop to this nuclear BLACkMAILThis is the same Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who said that what happened on 9/11 was 'good for Israel'. And didn’t Dov Zakheim a dual Israeli/American citizen who accidentally classified squads of US F16 and F15 fighters as military surplus and sold to Israel at a knock-down price (and bought with American 'aid' money) and now with a population of just seven and a half million, has one of the biggest air forces on the planet. Hey Benjamin take yourself and the rest of your Zionist scum and F -off.

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