Tuesday, January 11, 2011

do your own dirty work. dont get us involved. tired of supporting israel with our tax money.i think IRAN allready have nukes if they didnt then america or isreal or UK would already have attacked iran but now since the west dont know for sure they are acting guessing the fact of the matter is if america or any other western nation attacks iran, IRAN will wipe isreal off the MAP and then the west got no one to keep an eye on the oil of middle east and for oil america can bring down their own twin towers.Shut up, Israel. Your nuclear weapons have caused decades of fear and anxiety for your middle eastern neighbors. Many are certain that Israel will initiate the third world war. Israel has shown itself to be untrustworthy. The world should insist on Israel's disarmament, specifically its nuclear weapons, which will bring a great deal of relief and reassurance to its neighbors.FU israel.

Take care of your own neighbors.they just want you honour the balfour declaration. treat the palestians right.It's way past time to cut off all aid to Israel and cut them loose. The Israelis have made their bed now they can sleep in it.

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