Thursday, January 13, 2011

George Bush, while President of the United States of America gave orders for all southern border personnel to "stand down". I know this because I have border patrol friends. If you remember, he even jailed two guards on the American side for firing shots at running criminals, men with families spent time in lockup, not the offenders.
These illegal Mexicans were a gift (as slaves used to be) to righties wanting the cheapest labor possible. It also helped in Union busting.
While I agree that most lefties are far more compassionate that the right wing, they are not now, or were they ever, responsible for the influx of illegals that entered out country freely and protected.
The area in which I live is overrun with people of the middle east, making demands for us to change our ways, and offer them special consideration, also a gift from Bush.
It was a plan, and it worked.
Go cry your tears somewhere else. He was YOUR leader.Bush never met an illegal he did not love, and those border agents, Ramos and Compean, were finally pardoned by Bush due to extreme public pressure led by people like Lou Dobbs. Meantime, the Bush people who hid evidence etc to convict the border agents and send them to prison, gave the illegal drug smuggler a free PASS to cross our border at will if you can believe that, until he was caught using it to smuggle MORE drugs into this, I would not trust a Bush, ANY Bush, in matters of latinos!

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