Thursday, January 13, 2011

Repugnicants created the situation with their last Immigration Reform and with their constant hiring of Undocumented People and yet can still pull of the slight-of-hand on the ignorant among us by blaming it on the Democowers.

Just as they have the ignorant using the term "illegal" to refer to the Undocumented folks. (It is not a Criminal Offense to enter the United States without permission, it is Civil.)

It was and is a deliberate ploy that the Repugnaliars were told to use, and it worked. Complain loudly about "illegals" all the while hiring them to work in your fields & factory.Say Chinese goods are junk and Americans have not been able to slow the buying of junk. That makes Americans what.. Junkie?A bunch of lazy junkies who only shift blames to others.Michael, you dumb a s s. All people like you do is to shift blame. If Chinese products are junk, then why does the US buy them? The problem with the US is, it has too many lazy, dumb, uneducated, dumb a s ses like you.every banker want to make sure his loan is safe, and the amrknese who don't want to paid back should be pubnished

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