Friday, January 14, 2011

Hahaha, All Americans are illegals except native Indians. Just go back and look at the history.
Every American thinks Columbus discovered the America. There were native Indians in this country before Columbus came. He was a colonizer from Europe. So that led the Europeans to illegally migrate to this country. Now these Caucasians call Mexicans as illegals. Mexicans are natives of north America, they have every rights to be in this country than those Caucasians.Russia is the richest country in the world,having all the immaginable recources,starting with oil and gas.
BP will help them to explore and exploit even in the far artics where they are not able.
China sells all the consumer goods that ends up in our landfills within six months.
Russia will supply the world and us with energy that we just waiste with our ineficient automobils. China and Russa will get all our money and we just go broke.
May be we can just hope the Chinese and Russian will laugh themself to death on our stupidity.
Tha's about all we stupid americans can do.

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