Friday, January 14, 2011

Looks like the U.S. is going to regret all kinds of alliances being forged all over the world. We seem to have painted ourselves into a corner and don't have any friends left. The arrogance of our foreign policies is biting us back!Wars are big business. There's a lot of money to be made in wartime. The politicians who are good buddies with the war manufacturers are making sure we stay there for as long as we can.The injustices done to the Iraqi people cannot be calculated. Iraq has between 25 and 50 percent unemployment, a dysfunctional parliament, rampant disease, an epidemic of mental illness, and sprawling slums. The killing of innocent people has become part of daily life. What a havoc the United States has wreaked in Iraq. According to the International Red Cross over 1.3 million mostly women and children Iraqis were murdered, over 2 million injured, 4 million displaced, enough depleted uranium dropped to kill and make people sick for decades to come, and an increase in birth defects of 600%. Zionist Washington DC should be taken before the world court and punished.Search for Haredim or Orthodox Jews on Youtube. They are much like the Ghetto Blacks in the U.S!

They harass people in the street (especially Christians) and start trouble. There are always like 5 men in the streets doing nothing but causing trouble.

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