Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hey Israel, who is going to do your dirty work for you? You've hired lobbyist to steal American money and you probably want the US to loose more lives and spend more on the Princesses in Israel.Israel should shut the heck up regarding this matter,unless they are planning to drag the world into another war.Respect any UN sanction before you start claiming others need to,Israel as far as I am concern have conducted itself as if it lives in a different planet than any other countries,Laws applies to everyone except Israel.
Fix the Apartheid you are perpetrating before opening your mouth.One needs to only read about all the new laws Israel is enacting to know soon than later it will collapse on itself..only certain countries should be allowed to stockpile nukes, because, of course, they are the only ones that handle them responsibly....A dozen or so countries can't continue to pick and choose who gets to have them forever, most practical (yes,practical) solution is to get rid of all of them.......Why don't YOU threaten military force. WHy does the US have to get dragged into every war?Why does Israel have to get us into wars by supporting them, like Iraq and Afghanastan.

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