Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hatred breads more hatred. In this chaotic world we live in today, we don't need anymore hate. There's plenty to go around. I don't hate Iranians, Iraqis, or Afghans. I only condemn those who contribute to the hate, as opposed to finding a solution. We don't need hate...we need tolerance. Tolerance enough to say..."while we might have different beliefs, were all in this world together...why create war, when you can create peace?" Should we have invaded the middle-east? I will not answer that by saying either yes or no. What I will say is...I wish there was another way, and it troubles me deeply that there was not.Peak Oil is the reason for current high prices. The world has run out of cheap and easy to extract oil. The extraction of conventional crude in the world peaked in 2005. Conventional crude oil production did not increase in spite of the fact that oil prices went from $30 in 2005 to $147 in August 2008. The price of oil can only go up in the future. Adding a barrel to production today costs at least $70 because the only oil available to increase production is in tar sands, shale rock, deep offshore, or highly sulfurous like Venezuela's. Oil will be over $100 for the rest of our lives, and there will be less and less of it. Our best choice in the USA is to use as little as possible and use more natural gas and electricity for transportation.

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