Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I can't believe all of the nut case, delusional, kooks, that still believe 9-11 was done by some inexperienced guys. Flying commercial jets better than most of the worlds commercial pilots, with years of experience?
Pull your heads out, clean the crap from your eyes, and use them.Why is that government and police have more laws protecting them than the average citizen? Their lives are not any more valuable than we regular citizens. You can get onto more trouble shooting a police dog than you would shooting a grandma. This is insane! What the H*ll makes them think they are better than the rest of us?Putting the politician in a cage would warn the people how dangerous their ways are,Without an external enemy and rattling of military inventories US suddenly looks much weaker and more isolated, with host of internal political and economic problems.

It is in interests of CIA, Pentagon, Federal Reserve, and the big government to distract the populace from domestic problems. It is not such a big task for them as we know from history.

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