Tuesday, January 11, 2011

now they're "terrorists" and that's true. but so are the western pigs who seek to "profit" from fighting terrorists.

the "reason" or "intent" will be used to judge the hearts of men.

uncle sam is responsible for more innocent blood than adolf hitler

uncle sam is not fight for Christ, uncle sam is fighting for the federal reserve note, the god of amerika.

intentBasically a good idea to get allies. But then, who can effort to be our ally as long as we have Obama in the White House?
All out local allies in Iraq: Left behind to bleed when Obama pulled out to shift the elections around. Didn't work for him and the Democrats either.
Pakistan: Destabilized, about to fall in the hands of the radicals
Afghanistan: A corrupt Karzai is about to make rather peace with the Taliban than to win the war

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