Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'm from Australia and gotta say the posts on here are off the scale.

Anti Islam
Anti Haiti
Anti New Orleans
Anti Isreal
Anti Asia
Anti Blacks
Anti Whites
Anti Refugees
Anti Democrats
Anti Republicans
Religious fanatics
Conspiracy fanatics

In short a whole bunch of angry, juvenile, aggressive, racist, bigoted lunatics.

This is a story about the floods in our country and most of the world has shown us support as we have en masse for other nations when disasters occur including sending military and financial support. We are not asking for support from other nations to help with the flood clean up and have just gotten down to fix it in our own way. Despite the size of the disaster we will pull together and get it sorted quickly

But why is it then that the posts coming from the USA seem to be so hate filled, anti everything and so fanatical about issues such as Islam, climate change, religion, etc that a simple comments page on the Australian floods becomes an opportunity for discourse based on insanity.

Think your country should invest in some serious counseling or maybe you just need a hug.

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