Tuesday, January 11, 2011

impossible this is impossible it is only just talking watch there will be no action for this. All the movies you buy in the streets are all copies and are illegal and chinese people find there is nothing wrong with it. It's been like that in China ever since VHS becomes availableLet me see 250million here 300million there maybe 400 million over there115million on this other side a a few billion here and there!
War that's costing 3.6 billion a month our young men and women dieing everyday . Why are we paying these places to fight a war for them seems to me they should be paying us! And all they do is say it isn't enough we want more and more.Then our politicians tell us we are broke so there is a need to cut Social Security and heath care for our military men and women and their family's sorry we cant worry about the us border right now what wrong with this picture. What they are really saying is we are to busy with the rest of the world to worry about the United States of America! just my opinion so don't bash me to hard

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