Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The number of Chinese workers who took U.S Manufacturing jobs Is not what you think it is,Robots&Automation have been taking U.S jobs away for the past 25yrs, the factories in the United States are 80% Automated/Robotic.The factories that are Automated in China is over 90%,not to many people work on Manufacturing lines anymore.People have become obsolete in all countries.Machines have overtaken Millions of jobs.Sure, the Chinese can elude punishment for illegal copies of less than 500, but anyone caught with just
one copy in America, will face a $10K fine. Sounds like they are "Crackin' Down" alright?China will start the real enforcement, just as soon as they've stolen all that they can get. Which will be never.The US focus on copyright violations of music and movies is a testament to the political power of those industries in the US. The fact of the matter is that the amount of lost revenue from movie & music copyright violations is minuscule compared to the IP theft Chinese firms, often with the help of the Chinese government, engage in against industries that really matter such as the electronics, energy, automotive, and pharmaceutical industries.

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