Tuesday, January 11, 2011

iran will not be a push over thousands will die iraianians and jews alike. iran is no iraq theres no way isreal can sneak an attack as soon as they hit the air missels thousands will fly and no one can stop them all. so go ahead isreal be idiots get your peopls killed at the whim of an idiot. america take back your country.What a cynicism. While Israel keeps pyling up hundreds of nuclear warheads with the intent of aggression they accuse Iran who does not have the nuclear bomb. Iran has all ther rights of the world to use nuclear energy to generate electricity for domestic consumption. Israel is a paranoic and a freak out state and a trouble maker. Why dont they try to live like human beings and at least try to make peace with all its neighbors instead of attacking every one?.As loong as the US government is enchanted, idiotized and manipulated by the by the zionist there will never be peace in the ME and the wars will continue bleeding the US economy.What about Nuks in Israel. Are the Countries in middle east don't see it.

USA, Europe Aganist middle east and China

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