Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's way to late to threaten Iran with military action. I wonder what would happen if we just went back to the days of being isolated.Play nice with your neighbors Israel. We have our hands full.The Zionist plan is obvious, they want to kick all the Palestinians out, if not, kill all the Palestinians to make way for a pure Zionist Jewish state, and make way for more invasions to conquer the old Biblical Israel. They believe when the Biblical Israel returns to Jews, the prophecy is fulfilled and Jesus will come, Christians believe Jesus will return. Christian Zionists are as terroristic as Jewish Zionists. Illegal/inhuman/disgusting/colonial.Why don't YOU threaten military force. WHy does the US have to get dragged into every war? Once again the Jews trying to have the west pay for, fight in, and die for THEIR ancient blood-feuds that have NOTHING to do with us. And this light-skinned, cunning and manipulative barbarian tribe will get its way, and we'll be suckered into more fighting with the dark-skinned, violent barbarian tribe.

ReplySame could be said of Israel, how only cares about US sending them welfare.

With friends like them, who needs enemies.

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