Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Israel is the one that should be "Punished" not Iran.

Israel is the one that kills innocent children, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one that had 100's of nuclear weapons, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one that steals other peoples land, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one attacking other nations (Gaza, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan...), NOT Iran!
Israel is the one that used WMD's (Gaza and Lebanon) , NOT Iran!
Israel is the one doing ALL the assasinations, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one that Attacks other countries infrastructures, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one that attacks Humanitarian Flotillas, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one that kills innocent people and steal their organs, NOT Iran
Israel is the one that violated the most UN resolutions, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one that has more enemies, NOT Iran!
Israel is the onethat segregates according to religion, NOT Iran!
Israel is one that should be "punished"troyed, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one doing ALL evil, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one "draining" our economy, NOT Iran!
Israel is the one that has the strongest and the only foreign-interest lobby (AIPAC) in America, NOT Iran!

Israel is the one that high-jacked the American foreign policy/economy and ethics, NOT Iran!

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