Wednesday, January 12, 2011

They don't want to drill. That will lower the price, and they don't want that to happen. We may have to pay $5-$6 dollars per gallon in the next year or so because of the continued war. War uses so much oil and to pay for War as well. The hidden Tax that you may not know about. 30% for the oil company, 30% to the investor, 40% to the Government, local and federal. Food grade oil is the future, The FDA makes the food industry use it on food contact surfaces on machinery. with the right Chemistry I don't see why you can use it for gasoline or lubrication for engines.High demand or low demand it doesn't matter. They'll charge whatever they want as long as there is no other serious alternative. It's all bogus.Keep not letting us drill! No relief for at least 10 years, i have been hearing that for 40 years. Its the speculators who drive the prices. Imagine a market getting ready to get flooded with product! Not much to speculate. Imagine if we used our oil & controlled our own prices. Gas $1.50 a gallon All USA money! What that would do for the economy? Libs make me sick! send billions a day to other countries why your people get milked & your economy crashes & YOU DO NOTHING!!
Dems all the answers No solutions. PUKE!

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