Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Israelis lied to us about WMD in Iraq, and now they are trying to get us to go to Iran. why don't they send their own kids to die instead of our kids.Iranian and North Korean territory are the perfect places to test space-based weapons and cyber warfare. They'd have no idea what was happening. An unexplained fire here, a crack over there, stuff keeps suffering early life failure for no reason. Hmmm.... Lots and lots of dirty deeds against their leaders and critical defense, scientific, and economic infrastructure is the way to go with these folks, not massive conventional military attack and occupation like Iraq. Let their neighbors run them over after we run them down.What about Israel taking the lead!
They have a well developed arms industry.
They now have large oil reserves.
The USA has given them over $ BILLION Dollars.

Hey here is a novel idea: Why doesn't the US do what our coalition partners do, we will send a token force and when the going gets rough we will pull out and leave them holding the proverbial bag. They they can go into debt like we did.
Sounds fair to me!

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