Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The jews always get somebody else to do the dirty work while they sit back and count their shekels. The U.S. needs to shut out the Zionist lobby and get all jews out of government. Jews are loyal only to their religion and religious compatriots and use the governments of other countries to their own advantage. No jew is loyal to any country other than Israel!Only a convincing threat of military action headed by the U.S.A. What a bunch of losers! They have no problem attacking gaza but are scared to attack a country and people that will and is able to defend itself! Typical JEWS. Iran has the right to arm itself if it wants we are not the world police.israel is the only country in midleast have 80-100 nuclear warhead pointing to other arab nation, eu and russia. nuclear is the way of future and iran in pursue of nuclear power for their own use what is so wrong about thatI agree, Iran must be faced by force as soon as possible and Israel should do it not ask the US to do it for them as usual!why israel god nuke ,if so ,Iran got right for sel-defense.Let israel fights or attacks.iran will hit back.We might not other countries to get involved.We can not use alliance to attack iran,if these damned jewish violate the law by acting unilalaterally iran.Who care ,

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