Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jewish people are becoming more like black people everyday. They blame all their problems on the past. I would love to hear a jewish or black person who screwed up say "it 's my fault, I messed up." When are you going to stop blaming every white christians for your own mistakes.oh ok, Jews are special, they are so special the entire USA financial market and judicial system is left to them...... Now they want to complain about a terminology used by somebody else??? Give it a break already ...I have always, all of my life supported the Jews in this country and around the world for that matter. I have backed our policy of supporting Israel with my tax dollars and have debated the reasons for my support for decades. But today I see a really ugly side of Jews I had never seen before,Of course the Fed sees economic recovery inside the beltway. Congress is getting their annual COLA, while those on SSI are not. What a surprise. The fact is that there are still 4.5 job seekers for every vacancy and our rotten educational system has made a lot of those vacancies unfillable by Americans. Hence the influx of people from India, which has more honor students than the US has students. No joke.

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