Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gas was over 4.00 in summer of 08 by Nov. 08 when Dems won the cost of oil was back at 1.60! Bush boys were on the way out and their cronies didn't get elected!Park your cars, spend time at home with your families. If Americans quit driving unless it is necessary prices will come down. Personally, I would love to see oil tankers backed up from Texas to Saudi Arabia with no where to off load their oil. Our entire financial system depends on affordable energy. Our elected officials depend entirely on the The future of the world depends on oil and sooner or later the war will be oil not Afghanistan. dollar.Gas increased to over $4 a gallon on Bushes watch

WBINBUSH was looking at history 2001-2009!
something you forgot already coach.
alzhiemers kicking too soon huhThere is no legitimate excuse for increased gas prices. When Bush decided to pay back his oil buddies, he sure did a good job at it. Can't think of anything else he did worth mentioning. By the way, I think Obama is an idiot also. Oh well. Maybe we can get some good independents who can run so we won't have to deal with democrats or republicans. 2012 can't come fast enough.

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