Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Netanyahu is a piece of feces, that wants nothing more then causing trouble for America.

He is a hemorhoid of the US.Sorry Israel, it's not going to happen. Give it a try yourself, see how things work out and then you may report back to us. We shall respond in a timely manner at our convenience. What have you done for us lately? What are your contributions and offerings?Israel has yet to prove it's worth as an ally, we should just leave both countries to their own devicesUp yours, Israel. I used to support you, but it's becoming more and more clear as the months go by that you're manipulating everyone for your own ends. If you want to pre-emptively attack Iran, do it your d.amn self.We are not sending our men and women unto harms way anymore.
You want to fight ,then fight

Israel does not have the greatest record with relations to its neighbors.

Enough is Enough
we try to fix the world
while our country is falling apart.

You want a strong foreign policy?
Make america strong again
bring our troops home

Start manufacturing
Make our economy and our freedom
number one in the world.

Stop this nation building, telling others how to live

remove the plank from our eyes before removing the speck from others.

stop killing innocent people.

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