Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Israel must give up its own atomic bomb before they can say anything about some one else having an atomic bomb. It is simple, it is logical, it is common sense. Remember that 1+1=2, not whatever you want it to be...Netanyahu should worry about the Plastanian problem and not Iran, America is not a servent of Mr. NatanyahuGee, so Netanyahu wants us to take on Iran. Well, we'd really like to see the Israelis stop building settlements in the West Bank and make a serious attempt at cutting a peace deal with the Palestinians. Of course, they just keep blowing us off.

If Israel has a problem with Iran, they can deal with it themselves. We are already over-extended with armies in Iraq and Afghanistan not to mention the commitment of our special ops in Yeman, Somalia and God knows where else.

Everybody seems to think that Israel is our biggest friend in the world. Personally, I'd vote for Canada - they treat us with respect, don't ask for handouts and have never spied on us or killed US servicemen by "mistake". Come to think of it, if I had a friend like Israel I'd probably direct their emails to my spam folder.

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