Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oil is no longer connected to true supply & demand pricing. Speculators push prices to fairytale heights just as they did in the realestate debacle. Today home owners the world over are paying the price. Their mortgages are so far underwater there is no hope they'll ever realize the value they originally paid for their home. Then they're taxed at what the homes are "worth" not what they sell for on todays market. Thieves!Cut back on our driving and purchase vehicles with a high MPG and we will shut down the middle east and bring gas priced back down to $1.59 - $1.79 per gallon.

Look at publice records and see how much oil stock is owned by the Kennedys, Clintons, Bushes, Cheneys, Pelosi's, Boxer's etc...they are the real owners of the oil companies...the shareholders.The last time gas prices rose to over 3.25 per gal many lost jobs, not to mention the prices on all commodities rose for transport costs. Claiming oil shortages were the cause, as I recall seeing billions of gallons of oil spewing into the gulf do to lack of safety standards from BP there is no shortage, what a surprise another lie. BP has to get back all the money they paid to clean up the spill plus a nice profit for share holders.
But does anyone know that the govenor of each state has the power to freeze prices,the question is how would their masters the oil companies react.Another item of intrest is wallstreet sets prices, after the people bailed them out with billions they want more. I say next time wall street is in trouble let them sink.Them and our corrupt government are all crooks.

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