Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Re-puke-lickins are behind the entire oil addiction of the U.S., Oil man Bush did nothing to stave off the next energy tragedy or do one thing to free this country from oil. NOTHING. What people don't know is the Bush family has accumulated close to $1 billion dollars thanks to their "consulting" fees from the Saudis. Sauds first, country last in the Bush Kingdom. I suppose the Sauds will be underwriting Jeb Bush's run for the President soon enough.The blame goes to "speculators" along with oil companies. Just as before, which ultimately lead to the financial crisis we are still feeling, after prices more than tripled families who were already strapped ended up losing everything they worked for simply because speculators and the oil industry greed took such a huge chunk of weekly income, oil prices were artificially driven up and everything else followed in increases.
But according to many of you that's fine because these persons were out to make money.
Hopefully, someday, all of you will realize how much influence speculators have in the cost of everything from oil to bathroom tissue.So true. In the 90s I listened to a seminar presented by a world renowned agriculture economist. He stated that every, single recession since WWII was preceded by a significant runup in energy costs. This last one was a huge one - all the way to nearly $5/gal in gas and over $5/gal in diesel fuel. The economy was brought to its knees. The house of cards was already wobbly and that action shook the entire bedrock. The oil companies know EXACTLY how far they can go. Somewhere just south of $4/gal will tip the scales so I look for gas to run up to about $3.75 or so and then magically plateau. It is very sad that the oil speculators are allowed to hold such power over the entire world's economy.

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