Saturday, January 15, 2011

politicians dont give a rats --- what the american people want. once their voted in its time for them to get rich. if you took a vote as to how many people want our troops pulled out of afganistan and iraq it would be 99 percent pull our troops out, 1 percent leave them there. the 1 percent would be the weapons manufacturers who own half the politicians in washington . 1 percent wins everytime and if by some miracle americans actually marched on washington demanding troops be pulled out, the government / weapons manufacturers / fbi / cia nsa would come down on us like a hammer.Send another 20 million American jobs offshore so you can miss out on those Federal, State, City, Local and School and other taxes that those American paychecks would have paid fools, as long as you continue to listen to some smooth talking schmuk executive and his pet economist about how this is good for America, everything will be just fine. Do any of you have any idea what kind of cuts we're looking at, how severe or deep they'll be, if we trim $1.1 trillion in spending from the National budget? How many of you even wondered why we don't have the Federal tax income we used to have? What the he|| do you think is going to happen when you send 20 million good paying jobs offshore and get rid of most of your factories, along with the science, engineering, computer and similar jobs?

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