Saturday, January 15, 2011

Of course there were never any aluminum tubes, weapons of mass destruction, giant nuclear rockets aimed at us, people waiting with open arms for us to decapitate their babies. All of it was a big lie. Nobody is safe from a strike by the ZioNazi occupied Washington DC military.US leaders should be tried for war crimes, End the occupation. End your pursuit of free commodities by killing/occupying other nations who do not have military hardware. Pick your size. Have the balls to try China and Russia. Your match. Our men should not die in vain to enrich the filthy rich even more.

If you get leaders salaries be on the frontline. Dont go there in the dark and with all the security. Show us how brave YOU are.You say the truth hurts?? What hurts even more is having lies told to us by Washington DC, like the aluminum tubes, smoking guns, Al Qaeda, WMD, giant rockets aimed at us, etc. These are the lies that really hurt us and not only that, these lies murdered 1.3 million innocent mostly Iraqi women and children, (International Red Cross figures) displaced 4 million, injured 2 million, destroyed a sovereign country's infra-structure, left behind enough depleted uranium to kill and make people sick for decades to come, and you are worried about "Wikileaks". There's a cancer growing in the USA that will destroy what remains of the once shining beacon of hope for the world.

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