Friday, January 14, 2011

So following the slaughter/holocaust of about 1.3 million innocent mostly women and children in Iraq, (International Red Cross figures) the Zionist occupied Washington DC regime told the American public it was fighting the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan for “our” freedom. Now, of course, we are being told we must slaughter innocent Iranians.
It's a good thing for Zionist Washington DC there is an ample supply of 1000k per day mercenaries available to fight their dirty little wars because not very many USA citizens will stoop that low.It appears the elected Iraqi government will insist upon withdrawal of US troops by the end of the year, as provided by the SOFA negotiated by Bush. The Sadrist bloc would bring the government down if Maliki agreed to extend the stay of US troops.

You can bet that there is feverish thinking in Washington now about whether to attempt a coup d'etat to try to get a more compliant Iraqi government that will agree to an extention, and to permanent bases. The Kurds would be the primary US allies in such a coup attempt. But we may conclude that we couldn't pull it off without starting another insurgency.

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