Friday, January 14, 2011

Biden - "We have one overwhelming desire, the single best thing, that could happen to the United States, literally, is for you to be a free, prosperous democracy in this part of the world", TRANSLATION: "We will not be happy until you have a WalMart, McDonalds and Starbucks on every corner."
Talibani - "We remain grateful to you ... and we know you are one of our best friends."
TRANSLATION: "Thanks for the trinkets and snacksA success story! Wow, what's this guy smoking? Maybe he doesn't read the newspaper? Or are the newspapers lying to protect the interest of Washington? Iraq is still killing people on a massive basis every single day of the year--how is that success?
Maybe Mr Biden is speaking on behalf of Corporate America who sits in the backgroung waiting to swarm in and steal their PROFITS???
Obama declared the war a victory and our troops were coming home. What he really meant to say was 50,000 were staying (that's pretty much an entire military force) and we would have a troop reduction of 2500! Now it all makes more sense when stated correctly!
The suceesss is nothing more than a quagmire to which we will be part of for decades at a cost to American taxpayers just to settle a "score" on behalf of the BUSH FAMILY!!

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