Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thanks, Mr Bush Cheney. Sadam and his soldiers, were very bad against USA people and interests, not these ones. Now, after Bush creation, Iraq is very nice. My condolences to these two soldiers' families. And my condolences to many inocent Iraqi families, also.WE are in the middle east fighting Israels wars of occupation and oppression. 4500 of our finest men and women have died in Iraq fighting Israels wars..war based on lies...Angry words; what if the the killer is you and your family get killed by U.S.?
When a hunter try to hunt the bear and walked right in to the cave where the bear is. What would you do? Wrong what you thought. You must remove the bear. U.S. is equivalent to bear; Enemies equivalent to hunter. If U.S. is removed from the country, then hunts no longer can reach easily. If anyone had heart and mind, I wish thumbs down should have been much higher.We were to go over and TARGET Bin Lauden in Afganistan... Why are we still in Iraq?

Why are we even helping Pakistan?

We are not the WORLD POLICE!!!

We did what we could do to cause harm or death to Bin Lauden and what is IS!

We need to get our Troops OUT and back home!

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