Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There are hundreds of functioning oil wells in America that have been capped. Why? Supply and demand.

If there is too much oil/gas available the prices will be very low, and by capping wells and reducing the available "supply" companies can charge a higher price. The demand is always there.

high demand + high supply = fair prices
high demand + low supply = high prices.

These people know what they are doing!Gas cost 35 cents in 1969, minimum wage was $1.00.
Now gas is $3.50, minimum wage is $7.25
At 35cents a gallon it was 35% of the wage. At $3.50 it is 48%.
MPG in 1969 12-16per gallon. MPG in 2010: 16 to 22 mpg an average 26% increase.
Reality is a hard thing to accept.

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