Saturday, January 15, 2011

This government only supports big business because politicians get most of their campaign contributions from big business. Thats why we have all these "free trade" agreements. They only benefit big business. They put small business..out of business. As long as we allow private parties to fund elections and have no term limits for politicians, we are doomed to this bad economy, no jobs and the big business bias.Did you ever notice that the banks with the biggest problems are the biggest banks? Wouldn't a good govt. support the local banks that have the least problems? Instead, they're bailing out the big banks, and regulating the smaller quality ones out of business. They own our politicians and there's little we can do about it.
ToddWhy are we there again since 7 years?
WW2 lasted less then 6 years!
And what about 10 senseless years in Afghanistan?

And what have we accomplished, with 5000 of our finest dead and 80,000 crippled?
Nothing, absolutly nothing, oh, yes, we are debt ridden and killed our economy.

No more war mongering and "policing the world". It's getting real old.

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