Monday, January 10, 2011

Wars over debts is or was a common occurence between nations of the past. The bankers always win, as they finance both sides of the war!"He is a terrorist because he became from the Middle East..."

It's a dangerous precedent when every single person --- millions of them --- are all labeled "terrorists" no matter what. That's exactly what the US constitution wants us to avoid: generalizing against whole population, and taking punitive actions against them, based on one's imaginings of who they are. It's always about the individual. Did that one individual do anything that looked "terrorist?" If yes, question him. If no, walk away.obvious inside job.the corporate media will never talk about it.even the radio media ,controlled by republikuntzzz.steel buildings never fall .a plane was never used that way,prior,or after pictures of plane or wreckage-pentagon.,or pennsylvania.on and on the coverup is huge....Dismantle it? Why don't they just "pull it" like they did with Bldg 7 (as per NYC Mayor Guillani)? Military grade explosives work so quick and effective. Oh yeah, we later discovered how harmful the after effects were to the innocent, well-meaning rescue workers and clean-up crews.

Good luck New Yorkers! You deserve it!

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