Monday, January 10, 2011

Karma you are a back stabbing Aussie!!!!!

You know, when 9/11 happened I felt devasted for such a terrible thing to happen to our Yankie mates. After reading the majority of these posts that are disrespecting my fellow Aussies who are suffering and dying, I wonder why I bothered to care that 3,000 of you lot died.

Karma replied to Ogleigh n h'Eirran's comment: Well said! Yanks truly are the most ignorant and arrogant people on the planet.What hasn't been report here is the Australian dollar is equal to the US dollar. In other words the dollar fell by 13 cents. Even if the Yuan were worth more, that would not save the dollar. We have nothing left to trade. We no longer produce much. GM & Chrysler are assemble from overseas parts & those companies now belong to the Chinese. We even import food. Tomatoes, Berries etc. come from Mexico. The answer is not inflating the dollar. Instead we should be making a stronger dollar. We should encourage business, our own business. Our country was built on liberty, not socialism. Liberty = economic freedom. Socialism = poverty. Socialism needs to keep people dependent on the government & incourages poverty. The Euros are now learning that.

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