Friday, January 14, 2011

we give israel at least $2,555,000,000 per yr. 7 million each day. if you ask me, that's $2,555,000,000 too much
btw thats only what the government, theres still plenty of private american organizations that send waaaay more.Tax the Mega Churches and Synagouges in the USA now! No more tax exemptions for these corporations!And since the USA subsidizes Israel with loans that are regularly 'forgiven' (made into grants), we are subsidizing them too.10 kids in a single family... but how many mentally ill because mother is fathers sister???
Its a shame that we allow them to take our money!!! People wake up!!! 99% of them dont work, they live on citi's benefits!!! our money.Can someone help me find the Scripture Verse that instructs American Christians to hate and eradicate the entire Muslim race?u.n. counicl should take this man for justices. he was a murreder kiiling thousand of innocent poeples. iraq's if u.n. leave itas it is. there will be
a repeated stories come up in the future. those polictians are cruel animals.

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