Friday, January 14, 2011

When will the U.S. People wake up, and tell the goverment to bring our men, and ladys home. If we had used the money on our country. Every person here could have received a new home, car, and the many thousands that have lost their lives, and limbs would be here to enjoy it too. What have we proved so far? We owe China billions, and still waisting money on a War we can not win.Translation---soros has made billions off his Haliberton shares selling war equip., and wants to continue that cash flow to himself what the heck if meansmore American troopers have to die for soros/obamoNo problem though, Bush can hold hands and kiss with Saudi "royal" family and Obama can Bow to one.

Anyone who believes that the US went into Iraq to free the Iraqis is a FOOL. If the Saudis disobeyed the West they will end up just like Saddam. The US had no problem supporting Saddam when he was slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people in the 80s. All of a sudden 2000s Iraq needed to be free.

You fools actually believe billions of your tax dollars are going to rebuild iraq. Those billions are going to Iraq to build permenant bases and an embassy bigger than rhode Island.

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