Friday, January 14, 2011

The Zionist occupied Washington DC has displayed its desire for Iraqi success in the past also. Yes, it's true the USA gave Saddam both biological and chemical gas in the early 1980s in addition to giving him several billion dollars and other WMD to fight the Iranians. Later, the USA vetoed the UN attempts to stop Saddam from using the gas. More recently the USA hung (murdered) Saddam for using the gas in the war against Iran. The USA has been trying to occupy Iran ever since the Iranians threw out the USA puppet dictatorship in Iran. After the Iranians became a democracy without the USA dictatorship the USA and ZioNazis having been trying to, once again, install a dictator or puppet government much like they now have in Iraq.USA lied about iraq, no WDM, 4000 american soldiers dead, 1 millions iraqi muslims dead, USA lied about iraq, no WDM, 4000 american soldiers dead, 1 millions iraqi muslims dead, 1 million iraqi christians left the country. and 3 trillion dollars poorer americans.
well USA what have you got to say to yourself?
LOL, I still got afghanistan to finish! and 3 trillion dollars poorer americans....."Biden is begging Karsai to keep our troops for a few more years. It will not happen. The Iraqi people do not want occupiers in their land. They never invited us. Where are the WMD? They were not there so Bush changed the reason for invadind Iraq. Bush was just a warmonger who should be tried for crimes against humanity in the Hague.

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