Monday, February 14, 2011

Fifty years from now the American public will laugh at the hysteria and wonder what all the fuss was about. Will they still be looking for that communist (terrorist) under their bed?Car accidents are the number 1 cause of deaths among children.

Lets declare a war on CARS and people who DRIVE cars. You could save a childs life! However, Americans love their ego machines, they would rather see dead kids than walk a block to get their starbucks

Alcohol kills more people than AIDS, TB or violence. Lets declare war on Alcohol!. Wait they already tried that, a bunch of gangsters got rich and many people died from drinking illegal homemade booze. (Joe Kennedy's Mafia ties pulled through for him, and his efforts translated into John F. Kennedy being elected president in November 1960)

Marijuna kills no one. Lets delcare a war on Marijuana! Then like alcohol, a bunch of gangsters will get rich! Lets see who gets elected president with drug profits and mob connections!

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