Monday, February 14, 2011

isnt canada a haven for draft dodgers, who fled so they didn't have to fight for freedom, but demand it.
mexico is not the only enemyit must be sad to live in a world with so many million enemies.America's "War on Drugs" is a gift.

- It is a gift to organized crime.

- It is a gift of funds and prisoners to the Prison Industrial Complex.

- It is a gift (bribes, excuse me-donations) to the best Washington politicians that money can buy.

- It is a gift to law enforcement (and Armed Forces, and FBI, and ATF and every other 3 letter acronym) in the form of money, guns, training, and the forfeiture laws as well as a reason to exist. Without drug laws, many cops would be redundant and lose their jobs.

- But most importantly, it is the gift of death for our neighbors to the south who supply the drugs that Americans buy.

It's no longer just about the drugs. Today, it's about the drugs AND the violence. Legalize drugs and at least the violence goes away. One hundred years of history show that about 1.5% of Americans are going to use something besides alcohol to get high; and yet more people die from alcohol related issues in a week than do from drugs in a year.

It's time for some level of sanity to return to America. End the so-called "War on Drugs". End it today.

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