Wednesday, March 23, 2011

French would file for bankruptcy in just 2 weeks in full battle with Gadhafi. They are not good in self- defense, let alone to attack anyone. Without America's blood or money there won't be any kind of coalition at all. Germany was already shy away from the war with Libya. All the meetings the European governments are calling only to request more America's involment. Otherwise, the coalition will be dissolved in a short time. Woe to the world. The global international military industrial complex has forced the creation of a war out of a non-conflict, just in time for governments to justify wasting precious tax dollars in the next fiscal budget. When are we going to see this for the con it is.

ReplyThis media coverage is so biased, Gaddafi was not the one who started this, the "rebels" armed themselves (NATO gave them the weapons) they got all kinds of CIA intelligence officers and NATO intelligence trying to train them for a successful attack on the libyan government, they weren't successful and they were getting their @#$% whopped so they had to create an environment and act "right" by getting permission from the UN to protect civilians (rebels) by establishing a "no fly zone" (air support for the rebels) UN mandate didn't give the ok to destroy government infrastructure, attack troops directly or tank columns, only fighter jets which was their main "concern" after all...right? the media feed us personnal accounts from fictional "rebel" reports and we are supposed to believe all of that @#$%? Our military denies any civilian deaths caused by our so called smart bombs, well i got news for you, they are not that smart, and they do kill lots of people when they don't have someone on the ground to make sure there's no civilians around, in all our previous wars "smart bombs" have killed alot of civilians but we fail to have a genuine concern because them bombs are not raining down on us. It seems like we are stucked with another war because pres. Obama fails to acknowledge that once you attack a sovereign nation it's called war, and the "Alliance" doesn't want to take credit for this bull so we gotta suck it up and watch our tax dollars and soldiers go into another meaningless war to satisfy the interest of some major corporations in this country.

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