Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's not America's war -- it's Obama's war, like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan he promised to end as a candidate. His bombing of Libya was an act of war, and he should be facing impeachment hearings now, since Congress neither declared war on Libya nor gave the president the authorization to attack.oil,oil.oil,oil,don,t lie,lie,lie.WRONG!!! This is George Bush's war!! He forced our beloved President Obama to attack Libya. It is all for Oil and Haliburton!! Dick Chaney is pulling the strings! He is actually responsible for this. He wants to destroy the Libyan oil wells so his company can jack the cost of gas to $15 a gallon overnight! Impeach Bush Impeach Bush Impeach Bush Impeach Bush!!!!Cruise missiles have expiration date and so do other smart bombs. The Pentagon buys 200 cruise missiles a year. It's been eight years since we last used it to assault Baghdad. We thus have accumulated another 1600 cruise missiles.

Why do you think we need to enter this war? gotta use up the stock before it hit expiration date. Gotta use up so we can make room for newer, more sophisticated and more expensive cruise missiles in order for those factories within the American defense industry keep people employed. Gotta use up so those guys at the top echelon with huge investment in this industry make money.

By the way, don't worry, be happy, China will finance it with extended credit. Uncle Bernanke will print out more greenbacks and T-bills.

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