Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." --William Colby, former CIA Director, cited by Dave Mcgowan, Derailing Democracy. Its amazing. Everyone knows the last "terror" attacks they blamed on Qadhafi turned out to be false flag operations of the CIA and Mossad. These goons they get to write articles like this -> when the Republic is restored, may they all be shot.The last officially declared war was in 1945. There have been "police actions" ever since, do you remember Reagan sent troops to invade Nutmeg Island (ie Grenada)? He bombed Libya too, but ran for cover in Lebanon because the drug funded money for arms found it's way back to the Middle East (Iran).

The real dictator is in Michigan. The GOP has decided to sweep democratically elected officials in the cities, schools, etc. and replace with cash donor private entities. I thought they were against the tyranny of the government, well unless it benefits their donors and their business lobbyist. Now, with Citizens United they can legally bribe Republican politicians. Eventually, some rich person in the Mideast will create of phoney front American company that donates to Republican candidates to protect their oil interests. Global dictators/Monarchies have a lot in common with this pathetic generation of Republicans. Now, the Republicans can force religion in Michigans schools that will be run by private BlackWater ("X") or Halliburton. If you have a H1B visa, you will be in great shape because the private companies will bring you in versus Americans..then they'll have a religious battle Hindu versus Christianity or Communist Atheism versus Christianity.

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