Thursday, March 24, 2011

That's quite a spin there. And if it was even in a wild stretch so, who do you think is paying the Arab League in higher gas prices. So what you would be saying is 99.999 % of the American people get the shaft again, the military industrial complex wins, and the muslims. win. Not to good.Who cares if it's "legal"? This is a question asked by stupid, ignorant people who more than likely have never set foot in an Arab country, and have never talked to an average Arab in their own home. This is the chance for America to prove to the Arabs that we do in fact care about their people, they are not in fact dogs to us like our prior behavior toward them has led them to believe, and a chance to earn the lasting gratitude and loyalty of long-suffering, oppressed people. Anyone who doesn't understand this needs to get out of the country once in a while and educate themselves about the reality of the world, instead of just believing everything you read in slanted newspapers.

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