Thursday, March 24, 2011

When the Fed printed $600b new money and diluting the world currency by $600B without inputting any economic value i.e. goods and services, EXCEPT FOR THE INK AND LINEN PAPER, WHO GOT SHAFTED?? Japan, China and the rest of the US creditors!!For the Iraqi invasion the Iraqi had to pay the US $200B! That's one of the paymasters for your wars!
Heh have you all got so dumbed down.
I suppose 90% of America main street thinks Libya is West of Kansas or maybe Canada!
Why do you think America got involved in so many expensive wars and not broke?
For every $1 spent in wars today, $0.40 is spent by America. Why and wherefore the warring money came from? From the American tax payers???? Dream on!!!Google war reparation and be surprised. Even Obama did not know of suucch before his visit to Iraq as POTUS. He opened his mouth to forgive all damages caused "by" Iraq and was shot down before he could read the second line of his teleprompter! Lol
Also find out who paid for the first gulf war! For Libya you need a bit further down the road- until they come out with the total cost and send the Arabs the bill! Cheers

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