Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yes, there are conspiracies, and the conspirators behind these uprisings are right here in the US masquerading as promoters of democracy. See the Conspiracy Archives for deep background on the fraudulent shadow government financing and abetting of these uprisings to destabilize the Middle East. Oh, and there's the small matter of Obama abrogating the Constitution of the United States by declaring war by executive fiat. The drones below bellyaching about the Arab League sound like the usual suspects, typically college students, who promote these wars against Muslims who haven't attacked us. Apparently they'd like to kill them all in the name of democracy and freedom. What a laugh that anyone still believes the American media, CNN, and Fox News about anything. They'd lie about the weather if it furthered their agenda.Libya is the most prosperous country in Africa. Education, Medical care, housing, income and financing are guaranteed to all Libyans.

Problem is Libyans hail from diverse and competing tribes.
And considering that time erodes power, Muammar must face a rise
in the number of his challengers.

Like junior lions challenging the reigning monarch.

It is not sure that any of his successors will be as beneficial as he has been.

But young lions are forever challenging old ones.

Why should EU nations or the US intervene in an internal libyan conflict?

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