Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This is a joke, you start an unjust war against a soverign nation and now don't know what to do. All of these countries should be ashamed of themselves for destroying an entire nation for no apparent reason. Who the hell gave them the right to go in and start bombing this nation without cause. The talk about the innocent rebels, since when did rebels become innocent. If people in these EU countries talke up arms and start marching against the government, what would they do, fold their tents and go home or send their militaries to control the "REBELS". Then their are the poor people who are just innocent Libyans have we thaught about them, what about them, the people who live in Tripoli and other parts of Libya who are also human beings. We are bombing their country for a few bunch of people that don't like their goverment, I am sure their are alot of People in England, France and the US that don't like their government. The EU adn US should be ashamed of themselves for attacking a soverign nation and destroying the nation that took years to build. These countries should be brought up on War Crimes.

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