Wednesday, March 23, 2011

you asking about terrorist attack ????
believe me there is no terrorist attack after yours!!!! with all the power that you used in my beloved country on my people
believe me nothing from what you did can kill our spirit maybe you kill some of us but this make us stronger & fearless we just waiting you to have the strength & the courage to fight us face to face because no one of us can accept your intervention on LIBYA'S land the great sand who parry all enemies of LIBYA ....
FINALY LIKE LOYAL LIBYAN SAID ( ALLAH , MOAMMAR& LIBYA .....& NOTHING ELSE MATTER ) Thought this was a coalition attack but now it is an american led attack. Who didn't know this from the outset. Get out of Libya and get out now. Let France, Italy and England wage a war if they want but this is not our fight.


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