Friday, December 28, 2012

A fearless president versus a chicken prime minister
Syrian President Basker al-Assad visited Israel's Ariel Sharon
Memories from a summer trip
The New Stürmer
Year 2001
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans

My summer trip
This summer some friends and I went on a short trip to Germany. During this trip we stopped at the beautiful town of Glückstadt, the town in which Jews first settled in the land belonging to the Danish kings. I have written about this story in a letter called "The first Jew who settled in Denmark". You can read the letter when visiting my webpage under The New Stürmer.
Glückstadt is located on the north shore of the river Elbe some 80 km north east of Hamburg. Glückstadt is located in a part of Germany where you will find very few foreigners - thus it was refreshing to only see blond, blue-eyed people, in contrast to the multi-culture trash one saw in Hamburg.

While in Glückstadt we visited the home-museum, where I had an animated discussion with a frustrated German of my own age. This German was defending the Jewish lies regarding the holocaust. As I asked him which of the eight methods of killing Jews at Berlitz he believed in, he did not know that the Jewish eyewitnesses had claimed that eight different methods had been employed. But he gave me the old story that his father, who had been at the Eastern front, had heard that jews had been killed. He further claimed that the jews had been good citizens of Germany. I gave him a lecture in revisionism, knowing that I was liable for imprisonment had he called the police. I even told him that, regarding the holocaust, I could believe and say whatever I wanted to in my homeland. I even asked him why he could not do so in the ever most free country, on German soil? Sorry, but he had no answers. Some Germans who were in the same room during my hour-long discussion stayed and smiled at my friends, but sorely none of them took part. The freedom in Germany is as the freedom once was in communist/jewish Soviet: If you don't do as the Jews tell you, they will imprison you.

I really feel sorry for the people in "the country of poets and philosophers", Germany.

Syrian President Baschar al-Assad visited German Kanzler Schröder

                                                                                                       German Kanzler Gerhard Schröder

Germany has laws allowing the country to imprison citizens of other countries if these citizens have expressed disbelief in the jewish holocaust lies.
As you probably know many Arabian politicians and intellectuals have expressed disbelief in the jewish holocaust. President Baschar al-Assad has expressed his disbelief in various newspapers in Syria. On September 5. 2000 he said to the Syrian Times: "Since the discovery of the word holocaust, the jews have lived off this world and suppressed the word with it. ... Regarding the gas chambers, they were used to delouse clothing and other things used by the prisoners of the concentration camps. There never was any gassing of jews."
President Baschar al-Assad even said that racism in Germany during the Hitler era was less rampant then the racism of today's Israel.
This man was invited to Germany and he came. But Kanzler Schröder did not place him in prison, nor did he charge him with disrespect of the dead jews, which he should have done according to German laws.

The Jews living in Germany required Kanzler Schröder to imprison President

Baschar al-Assad. Many Jews backed this requirement before President Baschar al-Assad came. The whole jewish community living in Germany cried prison because President Baschar al-Assad is the first high profiled politician who has stood up to the jews and their lies.

During a press conference President Baschar al-Assad was asked by the jewish journalist Eran Tiefenbrunn if he saw any parallels between how the jews were treated in Germany during the Hitler era and how the Israelis treated the Palestinians now. President al-Assad several times asked who the journalist was. Upon finally learning that the journalist was a jew, the President refused to answer.

To revisionists around the world, President Baschar al-Assad is what they have been praying for for a long time. He is a high-profile politician who is not afraid of jewish suppression, nor is he afraid of telling what he thinks regarding the greatest HOAX of the century.

As a result of President Baschar al-Assad's brave and fearless actions, the world jewry is now shaking in their shoes.

It will take many more politicians to bring the jews down, but President Baschar al-Assad has shown them the way.

What he also demonstrated was that he was not afraid of entering Germany, in spite of the laws there which could have imprisoned him for not believing the jewish hoax.

A cowardly Sharon refused to visit Belgium
                                                                                                             Ariel Sharon the killer
In the beginning of July 2001, Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon was going on a trip to many European countries, including Belgium.

After the hatchet man of the Palestinian refuge camp Sabra and Schatila learned that a Belgian judge was investigating the killing and wanted Sharon in prison for questioning and for court, Sharon stuck the tail between his legs and changed his plans. He did not want to face a Belgian court accusing him of the massacres of Sabra and Schatila.

Is Sharon afraid of appearing before a judge regarding what happened at those refugee camps in September 1982?

Is the bloodthirsty jew afraid that he can not control the Belgian court? Is he afraid that the world finally will learn what kind of an eradicator he is?

What is more remarkable than Sharon not going to Belgium is that the UN has not demanded that Sharon be extradited from Israel to stand on trail for his crimes. This is very remarkable since the jews have been looking for alleged war criminals all over the world for the last 56 years.

Why does the jew refuse to be put on trail for the pogroms he had ordered?

It would look bad in the eyes of the world that a JEW could have ordered pogroms. It would hurt the zionists' fabricated picture of the jew as a peace loving people, and would give a true picture of the world's greatest eradicators.

But the world does not have to bring Sharon to trial only for the massacre of two refugee camps. They can bring every leading Israeli politician during the last 30 years to trail for WAR CRIMES.

It is a war crime for an occupying country to let its citizens settle in an occupied country. The West Bank is occupied by Israel. Why does the UN not open a war crimes tribunal against all Israeli politicians and military leaders? ONLY because the world jewry and zionists don't allow the world to subject the jews to the same laws under which any other countries or politicians are treated.

The difference between a man who knows the truth and a liar

President Baschar al-Assad knew he could defend his views on the holocaust and win his case had he been brought before a judge in Germany, and so did the jewish community living in Germany. Further, the jews did not want a prominent president on trail for not believing in the HOAX.

A president could not be tried without having at his disposal the means to defend himself that any ordinary German is entitled to. A president would have been given all the legal help he wanted, and he could have shown documents and forensic proofs before the court. It is clear that the jews don't want these documents and forensic proofs exhibited in a German court.

They could not have kept on blackmailing countries and businesses after President Baschar al-Assad had shown the real documents before a German court.

Sharon knew that he could not successfully defend himself against the indictments a judge would bring against him. That is why he will not appear before a judge.

A court case in Belgium would have been devastating for all jewish activities all over the world. If a jewish politician would have been put on trail for a massacre, they could not have kept on killing innocent children in Palestine as they do now.

The world jewry can not tolerate such a thing. They want to go on killing Palestinians as the talmud commands them to, without the world interfering or becoming aware of their atrocities.

Here I give you some clippings from Nordic news papers regarding the Sharon case.

Belgian Judge opens a Law Suit on Sharon.

The Belgian investigating judge Patrick Collignon has started investigating Israel’s prim minister Ariel Sharon for his role in the massacre on Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Chatila in 1982,

Sharon risks to be indicted for crimes against humanity. Belgium has opened for placing anyone for court, regardless of nationality or place, when it comes to war crimes and genocide.  Collignon is investigating Sharon if there is basis to take him to court said Josef Colpin at the prosecuting authority in Brussel.

Collignon started after he had heard allegations from two survivors which he believes.

No stop in Belgium

Sharon does not look upon the announcement seriously, but he will not travel yo Belgium on his tour to Europe this week. (Which should give you the dates.)

Belgium became leader in EU, European Union, last week-end, so a visit would have been naturally. Sharon stopes in Berlin and Paris. According the Israeli news paper Ha’aretz Sharon had planned to visit Brussel on this tour.

Dialogues between the two countries, Isreal and Belgium, must now take place outside Belgium, Israeli source says.

Sabra and Chatila
Sharon’s problems started after BBC in her prestigious program Panorama sat the surge-light on Sharon’s past, his role during the massacre on at least 700 Palestinian refugees u camps Sabra and Chatila in Beirut in 1982.

Read what Wikipedia writes about the massacre;
The Massacre of Sabra and Chatila in 1982 by Professor Dr. Ahmad Al-Tal
An Israeli investigation comity said after the massacre that Sharon had indirect responsibility for the massacre which happened while his was Foreign Minister.

Many leading layers and international law experts said to BBC during the program that Sharon could and should be indicted for war crimes . 28 survivors of the massacre took contact with a Belgian court after the program.

Universal jurisdiction

Belgium said in 1992 that her courts should have universal jurisdiction in cases of war crimes regardless of nationality of what the accused might say or where the crimes took place.

During the beginning of June a Belgian Court found two Catholic nonnes guilty for having taken part in genocide in the home land, Rwanda, in 1994 and convicted them to 15 and 12 years prison.

A delegate of the Israeli Director of Public Prosecutions travelled to Belgium last week to investigate what problems Sharon would meet if he came yo the country. This accotding to Ha’aretz.

Bad case.

Israeli diplomats are following the case closely, but does not believe, according to Ha’aretz, that Belgium will require Sharon extradited.

‘This is an embarrassing and bad case’ said one diplomat to the news paper.

Israeli Foreign Department’s legal advisor, Alan Baker, have warned that globalization of international human laws might be bad for Israeli leaders and military.

  Shimon Peres
Tow years ago London took steps to demanded Shimon Peres extradited in conjunction with Israeli massacre of 100 refugees in a UN-camp in Southern Lebanon in 1996.

A month ago, on Oct 25 2001,  the following could be read in Nordic mews åaåers:

Ariel Sharon finds a Belgian defender.

Israeli Prim Minister Ariel Sharon have taken a Belgium defence layer to help him in the notification regarding massacre of refugees in Lebanon in 1982.
This news was brought by Israeli newspaper Ha’aretx Thursday. Sharon’s office has up till now ignored notifications from tow Belgians and one Lebanon layer on behalf of 23 survivors after the massacre in the refugee camps of Sabra and Chatila. Many hundred Palestinians were killed by Christian Lebanese Militia in a area controlled by the Israeli military.

I leave you here knowing that you fully follow my views in these cases.
Heil og sael

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