Friday, December 28, 2012

Norway an orwellian country

The New Stürmer
Year 2001

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans You will definitely agree with me that Norway is an orwellian state, at least after you have read this letter.
Some days ago the Minister of Justice, Hanne Harlem - a Marrano - decided a new law for the Lutheran Church of Norway: lesbians and gays shall have equal rights to jobs as clergymen or any other positions in the churches. Some of the bishops of The Lutheran Church of Norway are threatening to take the Norwegian government to international court to see it this laws are legal.
I doubt they will win or even get an international court to hear their case. Why?? Because most of judges in the international courts are either Jews or lemmings. An other reason why the case will be a lost one is that the Jews of the world are liberal and think by supporting the gay/lesbian community they can destroy us.
To bring the orwellian status complete I tell you that the minister of Justice recently said it will be illegal to use Norse/Germanic signs and Runes. Not only in private but in public. By forbidding the use of these signs she hopes to bring the formation of patriotic organisations to a halt. She and her Jewish friends do not want to go the whole way like Germany have gone, forbidding formation of patriotic clubs/organisations.
The minister does not want Norwegians to use signs which have been used among Norwegians for thousands of years. These are signs which one will find not only in our old churches, called stave church, build of tree. One will even find these signs even on old gravestones. The signs can even be found as carvings on stones, carvings which are over 9,000 years old.


Some years ago a group of Jews started uproar in Oslo because some of the buildings had swastikas on the doors. The owner of the house, Oslo Electricity Company, said that sign had been on the door since 1910, and would not be changed. Many Jews have since written to various papers claiming the change of named sign. The door is still the same.
Outside the University of Oslo, the main building, the street is full of swastikas. Not the German one, but swastikas which are made from circles. Even these signs have coursed problems for the Jews living in Oslo. Neither here have the Jews had any luck.
But now, with a Marrano as Justice Minister they will probably get their will and Norway will loose some of her historical heritages. But such things do not count for the Jews, none of the signs were/are Jewish.

If any of you ever should visit Norway you would find Norse signs and Runes in all houses older then 450 years. These signs were used to protect the farms, animals and people against evil spirits long after Christianity was accepted as a religion. It was first long after the Lutheran Church came to Norway, 1536, the use of these signs stopped. But none of the farmers removed signs from their farms, neither were the signs removed from the churches, gravestones or graveyards.
Thousands upon thousands of stone carvings can be seen in Norway. All these carvings must as of now been looked upon as illegal and expressing Anti-Semitism. Because some of the reason given by the Marrano minister was that Nordic signs were supporting Anti-Semitism, and those who used the signs were Anti-Semites.
To meet the want of a small alien group a Marrano minister will take away the heritage which have belonged to the Norwegians for over 9,000 years.
I am a user of Nordic signs, but I am not a Anti-Semite. I look upon myself as a Norwegian who loves his country and who does not like other races living within the borders of his country. I do not oppose  any people of Nordic/Germanic race living and settling in Norway. In fact I would like to invite every person of that race to move here. But I am sorry to inform you that the Norwegian government on behalf of the Jews of the world do not allow you to live here. The international Jewry want Norway to become a racial gravy stew, a stew the Jews could govern as they want.
I hope my country men and women soon will wake up and revolt against Jews. Norwegians are not known as the big revolutionaries, but I hope they will for once show the Jews what they are capable of doing.
Heil og sael

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